Thursday, July 16, 2009

Pavlova, part 2

Wow! I've always wondered about those seltzer makers. So VERY cool! I, too, am so over lugging the "fizzy" water bottles from the store. And, how so un-green is it to be buying cans or even liter bottles of the stuff. This, of course, is the same logic that got our friends Jean and Joe to purchase a permanent KEG of beer in their house...

Ok, so first, the pavlova was yummy! But, I totally forgot to take a pic of the finished product. However, above you will see pics of the process...

However, tomorrow we're going over to our friends' Diane and Doug's house and I'm going to make it again. Promise pics! I think I'm going to just do two layers and then I'm going to make a few smaller ones b/c Diane can't eat dairy. Not "doesn't eat dairy", but actually truly can't eat it or she breaks out in hives. I've seen 'em and they are not pretty. You know me, I'm so skeptical about the "gluten-free" thang that is the "new black" here in Boulder... But, that's probably b/c I think a life without bread (or cheese) would be very sad indeed.

I'm also going to bring over a black bean salsa. The corn is just coming in here and I made a pot of black beans yesterday. My neighbor is gone and has told me I could raid her garden, so I'm thinking I'll have enough stuff to throw in it w/o a trip to the store.

I promise no more passing "fizzy water" off as dessert!

Today I hiked 6 miles of the Mesa Trail and thought so much of our hikes late last summer. Sure wish you could just come over and we could go for a ride and a hike...


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